Quarterly Report – Ending November 2014

House News: Marriage Mania Although there have been no unexpected changes within the 4 walls of our offices in the last quarter, we are all pleased to announce that Candice Read is no longer a “Read” as she married her knight in shining armour, Sven van Dongen, on 22 November 2014. We
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ABIL is no longer ABLE – Aug 2014

House News: – Lancaster take-over bid? The changes that Stacey Lancaster alluded to in our last newsletter (May 2014) went further than she predicted – we now have not one, but two Lancaster’s on board! Despite the graphic, which may have brought back memories for some of our clients,
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The End of Autumn – May 2014

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein The quote above summarises the theme of this newsletter – change! As our seasons change, so do our markets, both locally and offshore. It is always important to differentiate bet
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End of another Tax Year – Feb 2014

“For myself, I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use being anything else.” Sir Winston Churchill This quote is extracted from our Newsletter written exactly 10 years ago. Amazing how the wheel turns. Back then we had predicted that we were close to the bottom of the Reserve
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